Health System Science Curriculum
The goal of the HSS curriculum at the Brody School of Medicine is to prepare all medical graduates to enter residency with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide more reliable evidence-based care, implement QI processes, and utilize quality measures to improve care systems and outcomes.
What is Health System Science? Health System Science provides a comprehensive and holistic approach of examining how care is delivered, how professionals within the health care system collaborate to provide care, and ways to improve patient care and delivery for both those in training and those providing care within the health care system. Skochelak, S. E., Hammoud, M. M., & Lomis, K. D. (Eds.). (2021). Health Systems Science (2nd ed., pp. 6–7). Elsevier.
AMA – Health Systems Science One Page
“Health care of the future must be evidence-based, standardized, reliably delivered, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered.”

Used with permission of the American Medical Association. Printed (in HSS text) and website link on AMA website -Graphic image (HSS domain
image/graphic) Health Systems Science -2nd edition, Chapter 1, page 9, figure 1.6
©Copyright American Medical Association 2021. All rights reserved.
Specific curricular innovations for all BSOM students include:
- Institute of Healthcare Improvement Open School Certificate
- Small group sessions, standardized patient interactions, and high-fidelity simulations focused on patient safety
- Specific training in error disclosure, root cause analysis, and patient handoffs/transitions of care
- Opportunities for scholarship and presentation at the annual Quality Improvement Symposium
- Patient safety and quality improvement activities embedded throughout the curriculum based in real-life experiences
- Interprofessional training
- Revised Population Health curriculum
To learn more about our curriculum per year, please click below: