Institutional Learning Objectives
BSOM Educational Goal, Competencies and Objectives
Approved by BSOM ECC February 19, 2025
The Brody School of Medicine’s mission is to:
- To increase the supply of primary care physicians serving the state
- To improve the health and well-being of the region
- To train physicians who will meet the health care needs of the state.
The BSOM curriculum is built on a series of measurable objectives designed to produce competent, compassionate physicians ready to practice in a changing environment. These objectives are grouped into six categories including Patient care, Medical Knowledge, Practice-Based Learning and Improvement, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Ethics and Professionalism in Medicine, and Systems-Based Practice.
Provide patient-centered care that is compassionate, appropriate, and effective for the treatment of health problems and the promotion of health.
Students will:
- Gather essential and accurate information about patients and their condition through history-taking that incorporates personal, family, social and cultural issues and is appropriately focused for the patient’s condition.
- Perform a complete physical exam or a focused- examination as indicated by the patient’s presentation.
- Select and interpret commonly used screening and diagnostic tools with an understanding of their indications and limitations.
- Perform routine procedures needed for effective patient care, with an understanding of their indications and possible complications.
- Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems to construct appropriate prevention strategies, differential diagnoses, and management plans for patients with both acute and chronic conditions that are safe, effective, and efficient.
- Provide health care services to patients, families, and communities aimed at preventing health problems and maintaining health.
Competency 2: KNOWLEDGE for PRACTICE
Demonstrate knowledge of established and evolving biomedical, clinical, epidemiological, and social-behavioral sciences, as well as the application of this knowledge to patient care.
Students will:
- Use knowledge of the structure and function of the healthy human body to understand the molecular, biochemical, and cellular mechanisms important to maintaining the body’s homeostasis.
- Apply knowledge of the pathogenesis and epidemiology of disease states and conditions, and the ways in which they affect the function of the body.
- Apply established and emerging principles of clinical sciences (evidence-based medicine) to diagnostic and therapeutic decision-making and clinical problem solving.
- Apply knowledge of the complex interaction of the physical, behavioral, developmental, psychological, environmental, microbiological, social, and cultural factors that contribute to health, illness, injury, and adherence to treatment.
- Describe socio-ecologic determinants of health for diverse patients and populations in rural and non-rural settings and their impact on health.
Demonstrate the ability to evaluate the care provided in their role as part of the team to patients; to appraise and incorporate scientific evidence; and to continuously improve patient care through habits of reflection, self-evaluation, and self-directed learning.
Students will:
- Critically and continuously reflect on self-performance and feedback in order to identify individual areas of strength and needed improvement and engage in ongoing self-directed learning activities to meet those goals.
- Use the electronic medical record, evidence-based online resources, and other types of technology to optimize learning and clinical practice.
- Identify, interpret, and apply evidence from scientific studies for problem solving and health care decision-making that is relevant to the care of individuals and populations.
- Describe the rationale and apply the principles of health systems science including practice improvement in increasing patient safety and enhancing quality of care.
Demonstrate effective listening, verbal, and written communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families, and health care professionals while providing patient-centered care.
Students will:
- Communicate compassionately and effectively, through oral, written, and electronic medical records, with patients and families, including sensitive and complex information.
- Develop therapeutic relationships with patients and their families across a broad range of cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds, and articulate the benefits of continuity of care.
- Engage in shared decision making with patients and heath care colleagues as evidenced by listening, providing them with anticipatory guidance, and negotiating, with empathy and respect for autonomy and lifestyle choices.
- Collaborate and communicate effectively with peers, colleagues and other health professionals in a manner that maintains a climate of respect, collegiality, and adaptability focused on patient- and population centered care.
Demonstrate, through knowledge and behavior, a commitment to the highest standards of competence, ethics, integrity and accountability to the patient and profession.
Students will:
- Apply ethical decision-making in interactions with patients and their families, colleagues and other health care professionals to provide high quality, patient and family-centered care.
- Respect patient privacy and autonomy by adhering to the principles of informed consent and maintaining patient confidentiality.
- Respond to and advocate for the needs of patients and society while simultaneously balancing these needs with one’s own health and well-being.
- Demonstrate the ability to adhere to established principles pertaining to fiduciary duties to patients, conflict of interest and ethical research practices.
- Demonstrate the professional attributes of a learner, colleague, and physician in training including initiative, professional demeanor, punctuality, acceptance of responsibility, accountability, and receptivity to feedback.
- Demonstrate respect, compassion, altruism, and integrity in interactions with patients, families, faculty, residents, and peers.
Recognize the larger context and system of health care, as well as the ability to call effectively on other resources in the system to provide optimal health care.
Students will:
- Recognize the various approaches to organizing, financing, and delivering health care, including the roles of different entities such as hospitals, outpatient centers, skilled nursing facilities, home health agencies, community agencies and governmental programs.
- Advocate for access to health care and to appropriate utilization of resources so that each patient receives the right care at the right time.
- Collaborate with other health care professionals providing team-based care and recognize the role and contribution of each member of an inter-professional team.
- Incorporate cost of care and risk-benefit analysis into clinical decision-making.
- Identify, analyze, and propose solutions for system errors that impact the provision of patient care, to support the continued improvement of patient safety and care quality.