PAD (Personnel Action Dossier)
The National Institute of Health (NIH) published an announcement that describes MAJOR changes to the required Biosketch and Other Support page formats. The new formats are required as of May 25, 2021. Read More
Electronic PAD (Personnel Action Dossier) Tutorials
October 6 – 1st Tuesday in October
- Department Chair informs committee of upcoming need for a meeting
- External reviewers’ reports due
- Faculty member meets with the Department Chair to verify that all required documents are in PAD (optional but recommended)
October 13 – 2nd Tuesday in October
- Faculty member turns in PAD to committee
November 10 – 2nd Tuesday in November
- Committee recommendation/PAD to the Department Chair
- Department Chair recommendations and PADs due to the Dean
- BSOM only – Department Chair recommendations and PADs due to Health Sciences Human Resources
December 8th – 2nd Tuesday in December (BSOM ONLY)
- Brody School of Medicine P&T committee recommendation due to BSOM Dean
February 9th – 2nd Tuesday in February
- Dean recommendations and PADs for Nursing, Allied Health Sciences, and Dental Medicine due to Health Sciences Human Resources
March 9th – 2nd Tuesday in March
- Division of Health Sciences Vice Chancellor recommendations/decisions due to the Chancellor
March 23rd – 4th Tuesday in March
- Chancellor decision due BOT decision (only for tenure actions)
Spring BOT meeting
- Final tenure decisions rendered