What We Do

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development promotes excellence in medical education at ECU’s Brody School of Medicine through the professional and leadership development of faculty in all their roles – teachers, scholars, researchers, clinicians, scientists, and administrators – and throughout the lifecycle of their career, from onboarding to retirement.

The various programs held by The Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development or offered through collaboration with other ECU offices include programming on teaching and assessment, wellness, career development, research and writing support, and reappointment, tenure, promotion. We facilitate the onboarding process through New Faculty Orientation and one-on-one entrance interviews for new faculty. We run a yearly junior faculty mentoring program (Mentoring Advice Program), a Mentoring Research Group (MeRG), a Teaching, Research, and Leadership Development Series, a book club, and programming for Medical Education Day. We facilitate the Master Educator Award process, the Educator of Distinction Award process, the Mission Champion Award process, and provide support for nomination/application to other University and non-university award processes. Our Director serves as the College Coordinator for Faculty180 support. We celebrate faculty through our quarterly newsletter, our monthly Spotlights, and our social media.

We provide support in resolving faculty inquiries and concerns, and we provide support for recruitment and retention of excellent faculty.

For departing faculty, we offer an exit interview. Our office also supports teaching opportunities for retired physicians.

The Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development also promotes excellence in medical education at ECU’s Brody School of Medicine through one-on-one and group development of staff, students, and administrators.
