
On TiME (Teaching in the Medical Environment)
Online training in teaching and assessment is provided for faculty, affiliate faculty, fellows, residents and graduate teaching assistants who teach Brody School of Medicine students.
The On TiME (Teaching in the Medical Environment) Module serves as an overview for teaching in the medical environment and was created specifically for those who take on any role as teacher of ECU Brody School of Medicine students. The module is broken down into two main sections – Teaching and Assessment.
- To prepare those who educate Brody School of Medicine students to teach in classroom, clinic, operating room and inpatient situations.
- To provide training in assessment – that is, providing feedback and evaluation to learners
- To define student mistreatment and provide the tools to avoid it
- To evaluate the teacher’s comprehension of the module
- To provide teachers with access to Brody School of Medicine’s Institutional Learning Objectives

Faculty180 Trainings
Faculty180 is an online tool for reporting activities of faculty, departments, colleges and the university as a whole. It generates an activity report and may facilitate tenure and promotion and annual performance review processes for faculty. The OFD provides training and answers questions about Faculty 180 to faculty on an as needed basis.