Sort Capture Tube Preparation Protocol

Coating of BSA or FBS keeps sorted cells “happy” for a short while. As there is no active mixing mechanism present in the sorting block, sorted cells do not get in contact with the collection media (FBS or media). That means sorted cells are still in the sheath fluid.

How to prepare tubes for sort catch

  1. Take 10% BSA or heat inactivated FBS (preferably sterile) and pour in a collection tube of your choice
  2. Pour it back in a new tube
  3. Place the 1st tube in a slanting position, make sure to keep the opening of the tube inside the Bio Safety Cabinet while running the sterile air
  4. Let all the tubes dry completely, this will create a protein layer in the inner wall of the tube
  5. Seal the tubes
  6. Can be stored few months in -20oC
  7. Repeat step 2 & 3 as many times you need

How to use these tubes

Just before collection add small amount of buffer/media/FBS in the tubes and start sorting.