To encourage realistic reservation times, users will be billed for the reserved session time even when actual usage time is shorter than the reserved time. If usage time exceeds the reserved time, actual usage time will be charged.
We will start counting your usage from the booking time.
The minimum session time for Aurora (analyzer) is 30 minutes. After that user will be billed in 30-minute increments.
The minimum session time for Fusion (sorter) is 60 minutes. After that user will be billed in 30-minute increments.
No shows will be charged for minimum session time.
Users are not permitted to cancel or modify a reservation time within 4 hours of use.We will certainly accommodate reasons such as illness, family emergency, patient material and any reason beyond your control and waive any fee.
If users need to cancel or modify a reservation time within 4 hours of use, the facility should be contacted immediately. The director will work with the investigator to find another user who is willing to use the slot. For cancellation (if we do not find any replacement), the investigator will be billed for minimum session time.
It is mandatory to clean the devices at the end of each session and then record the cleaning quality. Cleaning and recording time are part of and included in the billed session time.
We will be monitoring the after-hour usage of Aurora through Admin account.
If you are the last user of the analyzer, please make sure to clean and shutdown properly.
In the event the instrument is down at the time of reservation, the flow core lab will notify you as soon as possible and will make every effort to reschedule your experiment as close to your initial time as possible. This may require the use of a different instrument. If you are uncomfortable running the alternate instrument, we will assist you for free.
In case of overlapping time conflict, 1st user need to clean & leave the Aurora for the 2nd user. 1st user can resume the acquisition once the 2nd user is done and finished the cleaning.