
What advice would you offer first- and second-year students who are interested in pursuing your specialty?

Urology is a competitive specialty and has an early Match, so get involved early! Reach out for shadowing and/or research opportunities.

Does research experience need to be in the specialty itself?

No, but may provide a chance to learn more about the field.

What M3/M4 electives would you recommend to a student who is interested in pursuing your specialty?

Urology electives. But any surgical specialty, anesthesia, ICU elective will help.

Does your specialty recommend doing away rotations?


If your specialty recommends doing away rotations, how many away rotations do you recommend?

1-3 depending on how much Urology exposure you have at your home program.  1 home elective + 2 aways is a good number.

If away rotations are necessary, when should they be completed?

By the end of September at the latest.

Which month/s are interviews most concentrated?

November – December.

Does your specialty recommend that all letters of recommendation be written by members of your specialty?

At least two have to be from urologists.

If letters can come from other disciplines, do you have a recommendation as to which disciplines are more highly valued?

Surgical specialty.

Does the academic rank of the letter writer matter?


How competitive are the residency programs in this specialty?

The match rate is usually high 70s to low 80%.

How important are each of the following for admission to a competitive program in your specialty?

Very ImportantSomewhat ImportantNot ImportantComments
ShadowingOnly important if no home rotation/early elective in Urology.
Community ServiceX
Extracurricular ActivitiesX
Research / PublicationsX
AOA MembershipX
Gold Humanism Honor SocietyX
USMLE Step 2 ScoresX
Clerkship GradesX
Top Tier Medical SchoolX
MSPE LetterX
Personal StatementX
Letters of RecommendationX