Medical School Information
Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE) Information
The fundamental responsibility of the Brody School of Medicine (“BSOM”) is the education of competent and compassionate physicians who will provide quality care to their patients and leadership in their communities. The emphasis of the BSOM is on primary care and the school recognizes three important goals: educating primary care physicians, improving the health and well-being of the region, and training physicians who will meet the health care needs of the state.
BSOM emphasizes individual and continual learning to prepare students for a lifetime of personal service. BSOM was among the first in the country to use simulated patients in the teaching program and BSOM faculty have helped pioneer standardized clinical practice examinations. Clinical rotations throughout the region and state allow students to experience the practice of medicine in carefully selected hospitals, physician offices and rural health clinics. In many of these settings, medical students learn within an interprofessional framework that includes students from other health care disciplines. BSOM’s various clinical settings provide a solid foundation for residency training in primary care or other specialty areas.
The average length of enrollment (initial matriculation to graduation) at the BSOM is 3 years 10 months.
In 2022, BSOM transitioned from A/B/C/F to Pass/Fail grading in the M1-M2 years. Grading during the M3-M4 years is primarily Honors/A/B/C/F with some courses Pass/Fail. Examinations are given during and at the end of each course.
Students are required to pass USMLE Step 1 for promotion from M2 to M3 year. Students are required to pass USMLE Step 2 prior to graduation. OSCEs are used in completion of courses, completion of clerkships, completion of the third year, and graduation.
The narrative comments contained in the attached MSPE have been reported exactly as written, edited only for grammar and spelling. This medical school is completely in compliance with the AAMC “Guidelines for Medical Schools Regarding Academic Transcripts.”
At BSOM, the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Clinical Years, meets with each student individually in anticipation of the MSPE and residency application process. The Associate Dean of Student Affairs, Clinical Years, is responsible for the preparation of the Medical Student Performance Evaluation. Students are permitted to review the MSPE prior to its transmission.