
What advice would you offer first- and second-year students who are interested in pursuing your specialty?

If you have time available, contact Dr. Sutton or Dr. Boyer and set up a time to shadow. You can shadow at any point in your training, and we can provide a broad or focused experience depending on your time and interests. Rotations in the department are welcomed. It can be tailored to your interests and needs. It would be great if you liked pathology, but med students going into every specialty can benefit from understanding the laboratory and the role of the pathologist.
Specialty Career Advisor: Ann Sutton, MD
Director, Pathology Residency Program
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Does research experience need to be in the specialty itself?

No. It is helpful if it is in pathology because it conveys an interest in the specialty over a longer period.

What M3/M4 electives would you recommend to a student who is interested in pursuing your specialty?

The only electives needed are pathology electives.

Does your specialty recommend doing away rotations?

Away rotations are not necessary but do serve to broaden your experience. I would favor doing repeat rotations in our department so when writing your letter of recommendation, it is clear we have evaluated you over a long period, which strengthens the validity of the observations.

If your specialty recommends doing away rotations, how many away rotations do you recommend?


If away rotations are necessary, when should they be completed?

It is ideal to complete your rotations prior to submitting your application but, if not possible, at least have the rotations scheduled.

Which month/s are interviews most concentrated?

November and December.

Does your specialty recommend that all letters of recommendation be written by members of your specialty?

If you have three or four pathologists who know you well enough to write a letter and are willing, why wouldn’t you choose the pathologists? They can speak to your suitability for the specialty most knowledgeably.

If letters can come from other disciplines, do you have a recommendation as to which disciplines are more highly valued?

Knowledge of the applicant is more important than specialty for other letter writers.

Does the academic rank of the letter writer matter?

Letters from an academic or private practice pathologists carry more weight than one from a resident or fellow.

How competitive are the residency programs in this specialty?

Top tier programs are competitive however most qualified applicants will likely match into one of their top choice programs.

How important are each of the following for admission to a competitive program in your specialty?

Very ImportantSomewhat ImportantNot ImportantComments
ShadowingXUnderstanding the practice of pathology through shadowing or rotations is the most important item.
LeadershipXHelpful but not essential.
Community ServiceXIf you have community service, include it; if you have none, don’t worry about it.
Extracurriculuar ActivitiesXHelpful but not essential.
Research / PublicationsXHelpful but not essential.
AOA MembershipXHelpful but not essential.
Gold Humanism Honor SocietyXHelpful but not essential.
USMLE Step 2 ScoresXPassing on the first attempt with a good score is ideal.
Clerkship GradesXGrades for pathology rotations/clerkships are very important; grades for others need to reflect understanding and professionalism but Honors is not necessary.
Top Tier Medical SchoolXBeing from a top tier school always looks good but good rotation experiences and good letters are far more important.
MPSE LetterXMSPE letters are not important unless there was academic or professionalism difficulty/remediation.
Personal StatementXBeing able to clearly articulate an understanding of the practice of pathology and what aspects of pathology interest you is important.
Letters of RecommendationXIt is essential to have at least one letter from a pathologist; you can have all letters from pathologists.