Xevo TQ-S Micro Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS (Waters)
- Quantification of small molecules/peptides extracted from complex biological matrices or reaction mixes: absolute quantification of small molecules or peptides extracted from tissues, cells and other complex matrices.
- Reaction monitoring/assays: quantification of reaction intermediates/products or substrates to monitor reaction progress.
Our Xevo TQ-S micro Triple Quadrupole mass spectrometer and associated Aquity I-Class UPLC provides the means to rapidly reliably, and reproducibly measure the amount of selected analytes in reaction mixtures and complex biological matrices. Depending on the analyte being measured, the system can detect down to the pmol-fmol range. Classes of metabolic analytes – including lipids, oxylipins, acyl-CoA and TCA cycle intermediates– can also be quantified using pre-defined transitions and LC methods provided by Waters. With the ability to perform full scan MS, precursor and ion scans, and multiple reaction monitoring, a wide dynamic range and high rate of data acquisition, the Xevo TQ-S micro Tiple Quadrupole offers us the flexibility necessary to detect and accurately measure nearly any type of analyte.

How long does it take?
Analytical mass spectrometry can be time-consuming if the methods for analyte extraction, separation, and detection are not already optimized, however our facilities have already optimized the conditions for numerous small molecule and peptide analytes. This reduces both the time and cost associated with analysis. Most samples require a 4-10 min gradient for separation and MS/MS data is collected in tandem with the gradient. Our Aquity-I class UPLC is equipped with a 150-vial autosampler, allowing us que large batch sample sets, clean blanks, and QC samples. For analytes we have not yet optimized conditions for, we suggest a method development consultation to determine the feasibility of the project and time frame.