Research Opportunities

Are you currently interested in starting or currently engaged in a research project involving diverse patient populations for your service learning, education, or research-track at BSOM? Are you a student or resident conducting diversity & inclusion, or cultural competence projects or initiatives that have research potential? Our leadership team is available to serve as faculty mentors/advisers for such research projects. Contact our office to set up a meeting to discuss.

Selected Recent Student Research Project Products, (*Designates student/learner)

  • Geisel, L.E.*, Doshi, N.S.*, Prestage, K.R.*, Tucci-Herron, J.L.*, Corral, I., and Smith, S.E. (2019). Assessment of Social Barriers to Medical Care for Pregnant, Latina Women with Diabetes in Eastern North Carolina. Poster presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of the American Physician Scientists Association, Chicago, IL, April 5-7, 2019.
  • Villa Hernandez, F.*, Rangel, A.*, Morales, B.D.*, and Corral, I. (2018). Advocating for increasing Latino cultural competence over a 2-year period: Development of Spanish-language Objective Standardized Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) at the ECU Brody School of Medicine (BSOM). Poster presented at the 13th Annual Latino Medical Student Association National Conference Research Symposium. Miami, FL, April 13-15, 2018.
  • Morales, B.D.*, Rangel, A*, Villa Hernandez, F.*, and Corral, I. (2018). STEEEPing Up Patient Centered Care: Introducing the Use of Medical Interpreters in the Objective Standardized Clinical Examination. Poster presented at the BSOM 4th Annual Medical Education Day Symposium, Greenville, NC. March 21, 2018.
  • Villa Hernandez, F.*, Morales, B.D.*, Rangel, A*, and Corral, I. (2017). Assessing the Feasibility of Implementing a Spanish-Language Objective Standardized Clinical Examination (OSCE). Podium presentation at the BSOM 3rd Annual Medical Education Day Symposium, Greenville, NC, April 12, 2017.