About Brody Alumni Affairs

The Office of Brody School of Medicine Alumni Affairs is dedicated to fostering and cultivating strong relationships and effective communication among our alumni, residents, students, faculty, and staff. We provide diverse opportunities for alumni engagement, catering to different levels of involvement based on your time and interests. Whether you’re a recent graduate beginning your residency or a seasoned professional approaching retirement, we offer tailored involvement activities to meet your needs.

Our range of engagement activities includes preceptorships, reunions, regional events, volunteer opportunities, and more, all designed to enhance the alumni experience. We recognize the importance of supporting the current medical students who will be our future alumni and our initiatives aim to provide unwavering support to them as they pursue their medical education and professional growth. By fostering these connections and offering meaningful engagement opportunities, we ensure a vibrant and interconnected Pirate community within the Brody School of Medicine network.

Alumni are the lifeline to an institution, serving as a vital connection to its past, present, and future. Brody Alumni embody the legacy, values, and accomplishments of the institution, and their continued involvement and support are instrumental in sustaining its growth and success. Alumni bring a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and diverse perspectives that enrich the medical educational experience, mentor current students, and contribute to the advancement of their fields. Alumni forge powerful networks, promote collaboration, and inspire the next generation of graduates and future physicians.

Alumni Board Council

The BSOM Alumni Board Council was formed in 2020 to serve as a representative body that advocates for the interests and needs of alumni within the institution. Currently, we have four board member positions.

Dr. Cierrea Roach-Gerald
(Class of 2013)

President, BSOM Alumni Council

Dr. Chris Heery
(Class of 2006)

Vice President, BSOM Alumni Council
Dr. Karen Todd
(Class of 1992)

Secretary, BSOM Alumni Council


Miller Johnstone, MD
(Class of 2015)

Membership, BSOM Alumni Council
Krista Wilhelm, MS  
Director of Alumni Affairs


Letter from President – January 2023

Letter from President – June 2023