Office of Clinical and Educational Scholarship

The Brody School of Medicine Office of Clinical and Educational Scholarship, a unit of the Department of Academic Affairs, supports learner, faculty, and staff excellence in scholarly activities pertaining to patient care, population health, health professions education, and professional development in academic medicine. The office directly supports clinical and educational scholarly projects within Brody School of Medicine, provides education and consultation on project methodology and dissemination of findings, and fosters scholarly collaboration within Brody School of Medicine and ECU Health, a not-for-profit hospital system serving more than 1.4 million people across 29 predominantly rural counties in eastern North Carolina.

Office staff

Dmitry Tumin, PhD
Assistant Dean of Clinical and Educational Scholarship
Em Long-Mills, MA
Research Associate/Statistician
Neill Bates, MPH
Research Associate, Family Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology
Aliba Syed, MPH
Research Associate, Cardiovascular Sciences and Pediatrics

Our services

The Office of Clinical and Educational Scholarship participates in all stages of design, conduct, and dissemination of clinical and educational scholarly projects at Brody School of Medicine, including consulting on project, protocol, or research strategy development; data management and analysis; manuscript writing and revision; and navigating the peer review and publication process. For information or assistance related to clinical trial operations at ECU Health, please contact the Office of Clinical Research.

Recent peer-reviewed publications

Clinical research and quality improvement

Zheng Y, Fowler J, Rector C, Tumin D, Herco M. Impact of changing donor human milk feeding guideline for extremely preterm infants on the use of infant formula and cost of donor human milk purchase. Journal of Perinatology

Cooke S, Long-Mills E, Tumin D, Henry E, Etheridge L, Longshore SW. Surgical Risk, Operative Time, and Anesthesia Time Associated With Combining Tracheostomy and Gastrostomy Tube Placement Under a Single Anesthetic. Journal of Pediatric Surgery

Strickland CL, Tumin D, Harris A, Murphy H, Whiteside JL. Obstetric outcomes among rural parturients across US urban and rural hospitals. Rural and Remote Health

Population health

Hayes CR, Kehinde O, Tumin D, Jamison SD. Medical Home Access Among Children with Obesity: The Role of Family-Centered Communication. Childhood Obesity

Muhammad M, Vang J, Tumin D. Association of Gaps in Medical Insurance Coverage with Vision Care Benefits Among US Adults. Ophthalmic Epidemiology

Crockett AK, Laden BF, Tumin D, Whiteside JL. Predictors of planned home birth before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Perinatal Medicine

Health professions education

Haycox WC, Tumin D. Misalignment of Biostatistics Content Between Licensing Exam Study Aids and Contemporary Medical Research. Family Medicine

Davis FM, Bowling J, Khanchandani AT, Larkins MC, Tumin D, Badami S, Alomari AK, Chen S, Vora M, Zhou Y. Development of a Scoring Rubric Assessing Medical Students’ Explanations of Pathology Reports. Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Zeldin E, Charles S, Tumin D, Lawson L, Faulk C, Norbury JW. Impact of a hybrid-virtual teaching model on the physical examination Skills of fourth-year medical students. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Research in academic medicine

Tumin D, Long-Mills E, Becton M, Brewer KL, Cunningham K, Eldridge DL. Publication of Medical Student Summer Research: A Multi-institutional Analysis. Medical Science Educator

Sivadanam S, Teiko-Awere E, Tumin D, Haberstroh A, Reis H, Akpan US. Scholarly Impact of Quality Improvement Reports in Neonatology. American Journal of Perinatology

Tumin D, Baumgarten N, Buckman C, Kuehn D, Higginson JD. Increasing pediatricians’ scholarly productivity on and off the tenure track. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions


Phone: 252-744-3221