
Zeiss LSM900 Confocal – CD7 –  AxioImager.M2 – PALM LCM Scope-WES


Core Reservation Calendars


IMPORTANT NOTE:  TO ALL USERS.  The Imaging Core will be closed the week of June 10-14th to allow for a major upgrade to our current LSM700 confocal system.  When completed, the confocal will be a LSM900 version with GaAsP detectors and will run on the latest version of ZenBlue software.  PLEASE PLAN YOUR EXPERIMENTS AND IMAGING NEEDS ACCORDINGLY>

Approved/Trained Users

  • Be sure you have selected the correct calendar when reserving time on an instrument.
  • Note: The Confocal requires a minimum 1 hour warm up for optimal performance, especially if tiling or collecting z-stacks.
    The CD7 requires a minimum of 1 hour warm up time before it is ready for use.

New Users –

  • A training session is required prior to using any instrument in the Core.
  • Once having successfully completed training on the instrument you will using, you will be registered as a user and will be given access to the reservation calendar system.
  • Please contact Dr. Bhowmick to arrange for training –