
The BSOM Core Imaging Center is a shared resource for the ECU community to provide quality brightfield and fluorescent imaging options.  The instruments are designed to meet both routine research needs as well as to provide high quality images needed for publication.  

The Center is located on the third floor of the Brody Medical Science Building and is open to all faculty and students at ECU and the corporate community on a fee basis. Training and technical support are available for new users.   The core is a user-based facility, no imaging services are provided.  

A computer workstation with the full version of ZenBlue Software  is available for image analysis and data acquisition post image collection. 

Currently the Core Imaging Center houses the following instruments:  

  • Zeiss LSM 900** laser scanning inverted confocal microscope with on-stage incubation system.  
  • Zeiss Celldiscoverer7 – An automated, inverted microscope with integrated darkroom for observation of both live and fixed samples. The fluorescent excitation unit comes with seven LEDS for flexibility in the choice of dyes, and a incubation system.  
  • Zeiss AxioImager.M2 – Brightfield imaging on an upright scope that has a fully motorized stage.  
  • Zeiss PALM LCM **(Laser Capture Microdissection) microscope 

**These systems were purchased with funds made available through a North Carolina Biotechnology Center Institutional Development Grant and Brody School of Medicine Research and Graduate Studies