Brody P.A.L.S

Peer connections can positively impact your academic performance and overall adjustment to medical school! Brody P.A.L.S. (Peer Assisted Learning Sessions) are learner facilitated groups created to enhance and improve academic performance in the first and second years of medical school. The sessions are designed to support learners in understanding challenging material through collaborative learning opportunities. Each group establishes the frequency of meetings, the format, and the goals of the study session, while OSSaW recruits facilitators and provides logistical support. Brody P.A.L.S sessions may take place virtually or in person.  Each P.A.L.S group will have access to a Canvas course which can be used to host virtual meetings or plan in-person meetings. Brody learners may choose to participate in Brody P.A.L.S sessions either as a learner or a facilitator. Facilitators are approved based on course director feedback and course performance.

If you are interested in volunteering to be a Brody P.A.L.S facilitator, please contact Alyssa Arnold at

Some responses from BSOM students about P.A.L.S.:

“I am a very introverted person; being in a group setting forced me to open up a little, which provided a more enriching learning experience.”

“Everyone has different study habits, and (they) pick up different aspects of lecture material, so it is interesting and beneficial to talk through concepts and how others have viewed them/processed them.”