BSOM Research Administration Hub
The Brody School of Medicine (BSOM) Research Administration Hub is responsible for the development and review of grant pre-award proposal budgets, support with eTRACS submissions, and the monitoring of post-award activities and financial transactions. It also serves as a resource for helping to assure that grant spending and requests for funding are in accordance with federal, state, and private sponsor rules and regulations.
Please note: Cheryl is temporarily stepping in to support Ray in the BSOM Research Administration Hub until a new hub staff member can be hired.
- ECU’s 10-5-2 proposal timeline guidance is being temporarily changed to 14-7-2.
PIs should notify their hub pre-award liaison of their intent to submit no later than 14 business days before the submission deadline and provide a draft budget, justification, and scope of work to facilitate coordination of eTRACS data entry.
- Waivers for reduced F&A should be routed at least 14 business days before the submission deadline.
Proposals must be final in eTRACS and approval routing started 7 business days before the submission deadline. Only hub and ORA mandated changes in the proposals will be allowed.
Note: PIs will be allowed to make one exchange of the final research plan and references during routing as long as the exchange is completed before the final 2-day ORA review window before submission.
- Some proposals in the work queue may be prioritized over others if the workload is too high around major deadlines. In these cases, the proposals will still be submitted if they meet the temporary timeline, but they may not be fully reviewed by pre-award before going to ORA for final review.
- The research teams may need to participate in interactions with subaward recipients on awards in which ECU is the prime awardee.
Note: If you are seeking support for industry-funded clinical trials, please reach out to the Office of Clinical Research Startup Team.

We are available via Microsoft Teams (call or chat) or in-person during normal business hours.
Ray's Department Portfolio Cheryl's Department Portolio
Academic Affairs Agromedicine
Anatomy and Cell Biology Center for Health Disparities
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Clinical Skills
Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies Comparative Medicine
BSOM Dean's Office Continuing Medical Education
Cardiovascular Sciences Department of Public Health
Clinical Finance Administration ECU Physicians Administration
East Carolina Heart Institute Family Medicine
Emergency Medicine Internal Medicine
Graduate Medical Education Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Microbiology and Immunology Pharmacology & Toxicology
Obstetrics and Gynecology Pharmacy
Pediatrics Physiology
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Radiation And Oncology Research and Graduate Studies

Sarah Arulsamy
Post-Award Financial Analyst
Vickie Staton
Post-Award Grants & Accounts Manager
Sarah's Department Portfolio Vickie's Department Portfolio
Cardiovascular Sciences Academic Affairs
Clinical Finance Administration Agromedicine
Clinical Skills Anatomy and Cell Biology
East Carolina Heart Institute Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
ECU Physicians Administration Bioethics & Interdisciplinary Studies
Emergency Medicine Comparative Medicine
Family Medicine Continuing Medical Education
Graduate Medical Education Dean's Office
Internal Medicine ECDOI
Obstetrics and Gynecology Graduate Medical Education
Pediatrics Microbiology and Immunology
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Pharmacology and Toxicology
Pharmacy Physiology
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research and Graduate Studies
Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
Radiation Oncology
Helpful Links
- ECU Financial Services – Business Manual, Helpful Forms
- ECU Office of Research Administration – Administrative Info for BSOM Applications
- Other Funding Resources | Useful Links | Helpful sites