Data Management and Sharing Resources

NIH Data Sharing Resources

Learn more about what is expected of investigators and institutions under the 2023 Data Management & Sharing Policy:

Final NIH Policy for Data Management & Sharing

Data Management & Sharing Policy Overview

Research Covered Under the Data Management & Sharing Policy

Planning & Budgeting for Data Management & Sharing

Best Practices for Scientific Data Management

Methods for Data Sharing & Selecting Data Repositories

NIH-Supported Scientific Data Repositories

Supplemental Information on the NIH Policy for Data Management & Sharing

2023 Data Management & Sharing Policy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Conversations with NIH Webinar Series-Recordings & Resource Slide Decks

  • Part 1: Understanding the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (August 11, 2022)
  • Part 2: Diving Deeper into the New NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy (September 22, 2022)
ECU Data Sharing Resources

Spring 2023 BSOM Session Recording Now Available!

So You *THINK* You Know Data? A Crash Course in Data & Metadata Standards

NIH DMS Policy Implementation Details 1.25.23

Kindly provided by Kerry Sewell, MSLS

Fall 2022 BSOM Education Session Recordings:

NIH Data Sharing Requirements

The new NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) policy will be effective for all grants submitted on or after January 25, 2023. This session covers the major changes that will affect grant applications and funding.  

Writing an Effective DMSP

In addition to the NIH changes, several of ECU’s top funders require data management plans that describe how data will be gathered, organized, and shared. This session reviews the elements of a well written data management plan as well as resources at your disposal for writing and revising your plans including the DMPTool, funders’ templates and standardized language. 

Selecting a Data Repository

In light of the NIH Data Sharing updates beginning on January 25, 2023, selecting a data repository for your research data is more important than ever. This session reviews considerations to keep in mind when reviewing data repositories, desirable characteristics for your selection, and additional considerations. 

Preparing Your Metadata

This session provides information, tips and tricks for understanding and building metadata to make your research data FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. Providing metadata for your datasets allows others to understand how data were collected and how to interpret them without confusion or misuse. 

ECU LibGuides

NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing

Data Management Overview

Data Management Plans

ECU Repositories

ECU Library Services

If you have any questions, or need help/support with research data management, please reach out to BSOM’s Liaison Research Librarians:

ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fund (OAPSF)

East Carolina University Libraries are committed to supporting the research, publishing, and scholarly communication activities at ECU. To reduce barriers to open access publishing and to support faculty, staff, and graduate students who choose open access publishing as the best venue for their work, ECU has established the Open Access Publishing Support Fund (OAPSF). In addition to the OAPSF, ECU Libraries have established agreements with some publishers to reduce the article processing charges (APCs) for open access articles or to pay the APCs.

For more information on available discounts, please visit our Sustainable Scholarship site.

Additional Data Sharing Resources

DMPTool is the primary tool designed to compose an appropriate Data Management Plan in compliance with the new NIH requirements. This resource provides more elaborate guidelines for writing clear and sufficient data management plans. 

Center for Biomedical Research Transparency (CBMRT)

CBMRT hosts an annual Biomedical Transparency Summit Series, in both the US and the EU. These summits represent a unique opportunity for stakeholders in the research ecosytem to connect, collaborate and update on major aspects of research transparency. Representatives include stakeholders such as research funders and policy makers, government departments, technology developers, editors, publishers, industry leaders and academia.

Data Management and Sharing Plan Guide (from Cornell Libraries)

NIH requires all applicants planning to generate scientific data to prepare a DMS Plan (DMSP) that describes how the scientific data will be managed and shared. This Data Management and Sharing Plan Guide will  walk you through the six elements identified by the NIH to be included in your plan.

Data Management Guide (from MIT Libraries)

This Data Management and Publishing Guide provides guidance on a range of topics, including planning for data management, documentation/metadata, file formats, data organization, data security and backup, citing data, data integration, funder requirements, ethical and legal issues, and sharing and archiving data.

Metadata Guide (from UCF Libraries)

This Metadata Guide, developed at UCF, contains comprehensive information on a variety of metadata standards and the many applications of metadata, including its use when documenting datasets.