The Investigator – March 2020


Link up with ORCiD

Open Researcher and Contributor Identification (ORCID) is a non-profit organization that creates unique digital identifiers to connect researchers with science contributors over time, across names changes, location and institutional affiliation.  All individuals supported by institutional research training, career development and other research education awards must be registered in ORCID. This includes graduate students and all research faculty.

ORCID benefits researchers by providing a lifelong identifier that will continue to link current and past papers. Through creating and identifying research connections ORCID can also assist with creating bio sketches for grant applications.

NIH Salary Cap

Effective January 5, 2020, the new NIH salary cap is $197,300. Previously issued awards that restricted salary the previous salary cap including competing awards already issued in FY2020, if adequate funds are available in active awards, and if the salary cap increase is consistent with the institutional base salary, grantees may rebudget funds to accommodate the current Executive Level II salary level.

New timeline for Proposal Submission in eTRACS

Proposal error checks built into eTRACS require that proposals for all sponsors be complete before approval routing. Therefore, before routing begins, all proposal documents must be in their final state with the exception of the research plan/statement, which can be in draft form. ORA will complete the review of the package after the final research plan/statement is uploaded.


1) Draft statement of work/abstract and draft budget and justification in the proposal record a minimum of ten (10) working days before the sponsor’s submission deadline;

2) routing initiated with all final required documents and a draft research plan/statement a minimum of five (5) working days before the sponsor’s submission deadline; and

3) upload of final research plan/statement a minimum of two (2) working days before the sponsor’s submission deadline.

Note: With eTRACS implementation, proposals will be submitted to the sponsor only if all final documents are routed to ORA and unit approvals completed in eTRACS at least 2 working days prior to the sponsor’s submission deadline.

The above requirements will be fully implemented for submission deadlines after Jan. 15, 2020.  The impact of these requirements on proposal development and submission will be evaluated after 3 months.

Original email sent 12/20/2019


New 2020 Writing Support hours!

Health Sciences Professional Writing Consultant 2020 Hours

All good writers need readers. The Laupus Library Professional Writing Consultant is someone writers can share their work-in-progress, discussing their writing with someone who is committed to cultivating learning experiences that offer support at all stages of the writing process while also supporting the development of writing strategies that can be applied to future writing.

She is available Wednesdays, 9am-1pm and Thursdays, 11am-3pm during the spring 2020 semester to consult with faculty writers at any point in the writing process on journal articles, book chapters, grant proposals, conference presentations, and other scholarly writing.

Kerri helps faculty writers become more proficient, versatile, and confident in their writing abilities. In addition to completing a PhD in Writing, Rhetoric, and Professional Communication, Kerri has spent years assembling a toolbox of strategies to help writers say what they want to say in a way that resonates with readers. She strives to make the program a welcoming and non-judgmental place where writers, regardless of experience or expertise, can work to improve their writing. While she is not an editor, Kerri is eager to work with faculty to identify areas for improvement, sharing resources and strategies to help writers develop greater fluidity and achieve success.?

To schedule an appointment, contact Kerri via email at

Upcoming Events


How much have I spent on my grant?
Using the PI grant portal

March 12, 2020
Brody, 2S-04

IRB Post Approval Monitoring Program

March 19, 2020
ECHI, Auditorium


Health Sciences Professional Writing Consultant:
Wednesday 9am-1pm, Thursday 11am-3pm
Laupus Library Room 4512

Funding and Award Opportunities

Stimulating Hematology Investigation: New Endeavors (SHINE) (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

The Stimulating Hematology Investigation: New Endeavors (SHINE) program is intended to promote innovative, high-quality nonmalignant hematology research relevant to the missions of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institute of Aging (NIA), and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI). Investigator-initiated research applications (R01s) in specific areas of basic and early translational hematology research are invited to this program that supports growth in the nonmalignant hematology research domain. Specific emerging topics that are at the leading edge of the field will change over time and will be updated annually through the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts.

Stimulating Hematology Information

Diet and Physical Activity Assessment Methodology (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

National Institutes of Health (NIH) and its participating Institutes and Centers invite applications for innovative research to enhance the quality of measurements of dietary intake and physical activity. Applications submitted may  include development of: novel assessment approaches; better methods to evaluate instruments; assessment tools for culturally diverse populations or various age groups, including children and older adults; improved technology or applications of existing technology; statistical methods/modeling to improve assessment and/or to correct for measurement errors or biases; methods to investigate the multidimensionality of diet and physical activity behavior through pattern analysis; or integrated measurement of diet and physical activity along with the environmental context of such behaviors. This FOA will use the NIH R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant award mechanism.

Diet & Physical Activity Assessment Information

Addressing Health Disparities in NIDDK Diseases (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) invites applications for research to understand and mitigate health disparities in the development, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of high priority to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Research is encouraged in the following high priority diseases: diabetes and other endocrine and metabolic diseases; obesity; nutrition-related disorders; hepatitis C; gallbladder disease; H. Pylori infection; complications of sickle cell disease within the NIDDK mission areas; kidney diseases; urologic diseases; metabolic, gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal complications from infection with HIV; and mechanistic research in hematologic diseases, including studies in abnormal hemoglobin synthesis. This FOA does not support multi-center clinical studies or Clinical Trials.  Animal research will be supported if the research is a clinically relevant model of a NIDDK mission area disease in a minority population. This FOA will use the NIH Research Project (R01) award mechanism.

Addressing Health Disparities Information

Congratulatory Corner


Brody Brothers award recipients


Jitka Virag:
Development of Novel Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle smart drug for controlled delivery to the ischemic myocardium

Department: Physiology
Award amount: $ 34,440.00

Jamie DeWitt:
Do per-and polyfluoroalkyl substance found in the Cape Fear review of North Carolina post a risk to immune system?

Department: Pharm & Tox
Award amount: $ 32,000.00

Lisandra de Castro Bras:
Peptide modulation of cardiac fibroblast phenotype

Department: Physiology
Award amount: $40,000


John Cavanagh:
Adjusting cancer chemotherapies with small molecule natural product adjuvants

Department: Biochemistry

Award amount: $ 50,000.00

Robert Wardle:
Chronic Airway allergen exposures accentuate development of metabolic syndrome in rhesus macaques

Department: Physiology

Award amount: $ 72,174.00


Basem Mishriky:
Does empagliflozin reduce cardiovascular risk factors and mortality in black patients with type 2 diabetes?

Department: Internal Medicine

Award amount $ 30,000.00


Suzanne Lea:
Exploring Chronic Kidney Disease of Unknown Etiology in an ECU Patient Population: A Case-Comparison Analysis

Department: Public Health
Award amount: $19,000