How Does Brody Compare to Other Medical Schools

Percent of 2002-2006 graduates practicing in Primary Care:  38.9%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 29.8%)

Percent of 2002-2006 graduates practicing in same state as medical school:  55.5%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 55.2%)

Percent of 2001-2005 graduates practicing in rural areas:  12.9%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 11.4%)

Percent of 2001-2005 graduates practicing in underserved areas:  35.6%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 26.7%)

Percent of 2013-2015 graduates training in Family Medicine:  16.0%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 15.3%)

Percent of 2012-2014 graduates training in Primary Care:  33.3%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 35.0%)

Percent of 2009-2014 graduates who are African-American:  12.5%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 9.8%)

Percent of 2009-2014 graduates who are Native American:  2.0%
(90th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: 1.4%)

Cost of attendance for 2016 graduate:  $177, 595
(10th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: $191,038)

Average debt of indebted 2016 graduate:  $112,692
(10th percentile within accredited U.S. medical schools: $114,328)

Number 1 in NC & Number 2 in US Medical Schools Producing Family Physicians  2017