
Research Resources 101

2nd Wednesdays from 12:15-1pm

        Research In Action

        3rd Wednesdays from 3-4:30pm


              PAST TOPICS:
              PAST TOPICS:


              • February 14-The Art of Communicating Science: A Beginner’s Guide
              • March 13-Navigating Data Horizons with the Office of Data Analysis & Strategy
              • April 13-Impacting Oral Health in ENC: Intro to SoDM Research Initiatives

              Summer Break – Fall Topics To Be Announced!


              • February 8-OFALD’s MeRG (Mentoring Research Group)
              • March 8-Shining Light On Life: BSOM’s Imaging Core
              • April 12-So You THINK You Know Data?
              • September 13-How to Make Your Case for Support to Corporations and Foundations
              • October 10-ECDOI Core Facilities: Services & Equipment
              • November 8-Accelerating Early-Stage Research Discoveries Towards Commercialization


              • March 9-Writing Clear & Effective Data Safety Management Plans
              • April 13-Introduction to Mass Spectrometry: Lipids & Proteins & Molecules, Oh My!
              • September 14-Introduction to the BIG Core: State-of-the-Art Genomics & Next-Generation Sequencing
              • October 12-The Histology Core: Microscopic Arts & Crafts
              • November 9-Introduction to the Flow Cytometry Core


              • February 17-Flow Back to the Core: Helpful Tips from the new Flow Cytometry Core Director
              • March 17-Developing Healthy, Sustainable & Productive Writing Habits


              • January-Budget Negotiations, Feasibility, Incorporating Budgets Into CTAs
              • February-Coverage Analysis, Clinical Trial Participant Lists (CTPLs)
              • March-Invoicing, Financial Management, Effort Reporting & Budgeting
              • April-Study Startup & Regulatory Processes, Contract Negotiations, IRB Applications & ICFs

              What’s Under the Hood:

              Working in Clinical Trials


              • January 18-Pharmacy in Clinical Trials
              • Feb 15-Preventing Common Issues During IRB’s Review Process
              • March 15-Publication & Peer Review of Clinical Research
              • September 20-Design & Dissemination of Quality Improvement Projects
              • October 18-Tips & Tricks for Successful Grant Submission
              • November 15-The Ins and Outs of Intellectual Property (IP) Protection


              • March 16-Informed Consent: Considerations for Diverse Audiences
              • April 20-Conflicts of Interest: A Balancing Act-Negotiating the Obstacle Course
              • September 21-Contracts 101: What Study Teams Need to Know
              • October 19-EPIC & eTRACS Process Updates
              • November 16-Helpful Tips for Clinical Trials Finance Management


              • February 24-Fire Up with Greenphire: Helpful Tips


              • January 9-“My Grant was Funded! Now What?” Post-Award Tips from ORA
              • February 13-Data Safety Management Plans
              • March 12-Increase your Research Impact: Publish your work via Open Access
              • April 16-Mass Spectrometry
              • May 14-Flow Cytometry Core
              • September 23-Speaking with the Media: Tips from ECU Health Sciences Communications
              • December 16-How to Collect SubAward Information Using eTRACS: the New Subrecipient Letter of Intent


              • January 16-If I don’t use their name, it’s okay. Right? Understanding HIPAA in Research
              • February 20-Most Common Mistakes Found in FDA Audits
              • April 16-REDCap
              • May 21-Understanding the Difference in Routine Cost, Standard of Care and Non-Covered Items
              • October 21-Post IRB Approval Monitoring Program
              • November 18Research Conflicts of Interest in an Academic Setting: Information and Case Studies


              • January 8-Using REDCap to Capture Research Data
              • February 14-Getting to Know Your Neighbors: Methods to Study Protein-Protein Interactions
              • March 14-Avoiding Bad Impressions: Your Proposal’s First Date with NIH
              • April 11-Working with Animals: IACUC Do’s and Don’ts from the Experts
              • September 12-The Powerhouse! Mitochondrial Phenotyping Core
              • October 10-eTRACS has Launched! Tips & Tricks for Proposal Submission
              • November 14-How to Catch the Wave to Success: Coast into Secrets to Awarded Grant Proposals and Accepted Research Publications
              • December 12-Tis the Season for ORCID


              • January 17-Basics of Anti-Kickback Statue and Stark Law
              • February 21-Clinical Trial Audits
              • March 27-Updates to Vidant Processes & Safety Incident Reviews
              • April 18-Effort Reporting for Clinical Trials: a Chat with the Experts
              • September 19-Tools at Your Fingertips: FAQ’s and Forms/Documents on the New Clinical Trials Intranet
              • October 17-Breaking Into Industry Funded Clinical Trials
              • November 21-eTRACS has Launched!
              • December 19-Establishing an ORCID Account


              • October 11-Working with the IRB: Common Pitfalls and Better Solutions
              • November 8-Automating PubMed Searches and Other Time-Saving Tips
              • December 13-Shining Light on Life: Microscopy Core


              • October 30-Sub-Investigator Designations in Clinical Research: When, Why and How
              • November 27-What’s New in Informed Consent? Revisions to the Common Rule
              • December 4-What’s New in Informed Consent? Revisions to the Common Rule